Hello again, world! Wow, two months since my last post. Well, I have a whole mess of excuses if you care to hear them. First, picture Jack from The Shining - driven mad by being cooped up in the Overlook hotel for a long winter. Okay, so he was a little "off" before settling in for the season, but, really, who am I to judge? So, we spent the summer mostly at home. Yes, I know that is the most eco-friendly way to spend the summer. In fact, that is why we spent a lot of the spring sprucing up our backyard and turning it into live-able space. But the reality of spending two months at home with five kids and without a vehicle that will accomodate everyone - thus eliminating even the possibility of excursions - well, it's a little overwhelming. That may be sugar-coating things just a bit, but you get the picture.
In light of those circumstances, I am prepared to cut myself a little slack when I look at my Independence Days accomplishments, and the, er, lack of accomplishments as well. I would appreciate it if you would cut me a little slack, too. And go ahead and cut yourself some while you're at it, because I'm certain that you have a lot going on as well.
Plant something - I have planted NOTHING since my last post!
Harvest something - A few tomatoes, but my tomatoes did not do as well as I had hoped, watermelons, bell peppers, jalapeno peppers, cayenne peppers, cucumbers
Preserve something - Nada - but I am getting ready to pickle some jalapenos just as soon as I get over being intimidated by the process
Cook something new - This one's pretty much a joke. I have hardly been cooking at all.
Reduce waste/dependence - I made re-usable cloth sacks for my kids to take their snacks in for school so we won't use plastic bags, and I have started working on projects for Christmas presents, and our thermostat has been set on 77 all summer
Work on community food security - Zip. Zero. Zilch.
Manage reserves - Ditto.
Store something/prep something - Hubby built me a little hobby greenhouse so I can keep my tender perennials over winter and hopefully grow something yummy, too. Bought canning jars and accesories to pickle peppers and cukes once I get over aforementioned intimidation.
So, you can see that I didn't do a whole lot of Independence Days activities over the summer, but I did more this year than I ever have before. Oh, and all of my kids made it through the summer alive and with all limbs attached, so I'd say it was a successful season overall. They started school last Thursday and I can feel myself recuperating a little more everyday. Hope you had a great summer, too!
Christmas Shroom Growing Challenge!
2 years ago
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