Welcome to my crazy little corner of the universe! For my very first post, I'd like to tell you a little bit about me. Like it says in my profile, I am completely nutty. Seriously, if you could spend a little time in my head you would emerge a changed person. There's a saying that you can never stand in the same river twice - that's kind of how it is to be me. I'm just all over the place. I don't have multiple personalities, or anything, I just have a lot of interests. A lot of interests. And for me, a lot of interests = a lot of projects. And for me, unfortunately, that actually means a lot of unfinished projects. Sorry, I get bored. Usually I get bored before I am able to complete whatever project I was completely obsessed with two days ago and I have to move on to whatever project/craft I am now completely obsessed with. But, as I frequently remind my husband, there are a lot of good things about me, too.
For the last couple of years, I have been completely and totally obsessed with knitting (hence the "knotty" mama moniker). So what is it about knitting that has done what candle-making and scrapbooking could not do? (As a sidebar, I can make you a great deal on candle supplies. But you can't have my scrapbooking goodies because my love of fonts and paper and photographs still calls to me from time to time. I love candles, too, but me + hot wax turns out not to be a fab combo, but I digress.)
Perhaps it is the subsets within knitting that give me a chance to flit about from project to vastly different project - alas, still starting many and finishing few - but learning and growing all the while. Now I am getting ready to start a new yarn adventure - hand-dyeing. And once I get some yarn dyed, I am going to make my first pair of socks, which will also be my first project on double-pointed needles. Because of my aforementioned inability to finish projects, I have avoided socks. I mean, seriously - assuming I would finish the first one, the odds that I would finish a second are extrememly slim. But I recently found directions for double knitting socks so that you knit both socks simultaneously. Honestly, the double-knit socks are WAY, WAY beyond my ability and experience, so hang on tight, it could be a bumpy ride! I'll keep you posted on the progress. Thanks for playing!
Christmas Shroom Growing Challenge!
2 years ago
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