Hubby got me Food, Inc. for Christmas and we watched it last night. I thought I would share with you my thoughts on the film. Well, my first thought is that it is FABULOUS! I wish they would show it to my kids at school. They probably won't, though, so I will have to show it at home. This movie, along with The World According to Monsanto and The Future of Food, validates all of my weird, anti-establishment feelings about our global food systems. Unlike the other two films, though, which seemed to be designed to fire up people who already have all the "weird" thoughts, Food, Inc. has a much more mainstream feel to it. If you are concerned about where your food comes from now and about where it will come from in the future, well then there's probably at least one person in your life who thinks you're a little "out there," you know, odd. I mean, food comes from Wal-Mart and it always has and it always will, right? If there is someone like that in your life, and there are MANY in mine, then have them watch this movie. In fact, make a party out of it. That's what I'm thinking of doing.
Imagine an evening of organic and local (when possible) snacks. You would have to serve organic popcorn at a screening of this type! I would make it kind of over-the-top to keep the fun in it. But also, if people are noshing while watching, they are bound to start to look at their snack a little differently. As a gracious host, of course you would want them to feel secure as they munch! There is always the other option of serving more traditional fare and LETTING them feel a little uncomfortable as they begin to wonder... That might knock me out of the gracious host category, but it is kind of funny ;-)
If I get organized enough to do something like this, (which is doubtful at the moment with five kiddos home, but will seem much more possible in just a few days when they head back to school) I will let you know how it goes!
I hope you had a fabulous holiday. We celebrate Christmas and I think it was the best one ever for our family. We found out just a couple of days before that we have a finalization date for the adoption of our three almost-no-longer-foster-children. Of course, we don't think of them as foster children, but it is nice to have everything official and final. We will officially be a family of SEVEN! Yikes! It is challenging, but I can't deny that it is also a lot of fun!
Ta ta for now!
Christmas Shroom Growing Challenge!
2 years ago